Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Intellectual Disabilities (or PWID)                                            
The one thing I truly love about my pwid is that she is so accepting and forgiving. She has had some horrific things happen to her and yet she keeps plugging away. She forgives things that people have done to her quicker than I think I would. Lovely, just lovely!  Does she ever become unreasonable and uncomely – yes!  But on the whole I am very proud of her.
In her formative years people just where downright mean.  They would make fun because they could, she was so naïve and innocent that they would tell her something false and laugh at her. Or they would hit her or assault her because they thought she wouldn’t notice or care. How ridiculous! In child hood there is no such thing as empathy.
I realize most people have to deal with difficult people, but people with disabilities expect more from people, shouldn’t we all. How do we stand next to our loved ones, support them when people are so heartless and ego centric. We do not have the privilege of taking away the hurts of our special ones. Yep the privilege! That is when we grow the most is when we are stretched to the furthermost degree. They have to find the courage to stand up for their selves, and to advocate for them self without hesitation. Interfering causes harm! It is very hard not to, believe me, I know from what I speak. I become a tiger lunging at anyone who looks wrong at her.  I did her no favors doing that, but we are making up for that now slowly but surely.
They learn how to deal with difficult people and what to take personally and what not to take personally. It is hard yes! They lose some of the innocence, some of the trusting, people rebel because they don’t understand, too bad.  Just think of your preteen losing her innocent with bullies, hard right? A child that has disabilities has to relive it over and over because of their short term memory. Just stand next to them and don’t coddle let them feel the pain, and while you’re heart is breaking, know that everything will be okay.