Sunday, May 20, 2012

Intellectual Disabilities (or PWID)

Social problem solving

One of the things that will hold back a PWID is social problem solving. When something happens socially how fast do they recover? Are they proactive or reactive? If yours is anything like mine, she was (operative word here-was) very reactive. You and I both know actions beget actions. So if something innocuous happens and your pwid reacts it will balloon into something catastrophic. Which, as you know, is not optimum.

How do we, as caretakers, solve this situation? Gullibility isn’t pretty and most people take advantage of that. They make jokes because they can get away with it. How do we make our pwid’s wiser to the jokes of others? By constant reassuring and reasoning, they will eventually understand, after many hurts, but we must observe the letter of acceptability and propriety. Unfortunately, even more than the others who pursue them? One way is to teach, no matter how difficult, not to react, most people want to see the reaction of the person teased. Another, would be for them to reason with themselves. Silently talk to themselves on what the probability of what they are saying really happened.

Misunderstandings happen daily. At work when and a supervisor speaks to your pwid, more than likely there will be a reaction. Try to talk to the place of employment to see whether or not the job coach could be available during these times and rely on the job coach to do their job. They will be able to decipher any communication errors happening during that process. You cannot be there during these times and you need to put your faith in the job coach. You can shop around for job coaches. You do not have to take the first one. There are many agencies out there supportive in the employment role. Check around!

Try to see if there are any social clubs or agencies that focus on social skills. They are very helpful. I know my pwid was painfully shy. She now can have a conversation with people she doesn’t know. She has a bit to go but all in all she is doing very well, because of the social skill she belonged to. Try some of these suggestions and maybe your pwid will start be more proactive than reactive.

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