Let me tell you what is good about my pwid – everything. Does she surround herself with crisis? Sometimes, but I must tell you since we got her on her anti-depressant things are very, very different. We are having a very difficult time and she is the one who is the calming factor.
Pwid can suffer from major depression: it is shown in research that it is far higher with someone with intellectual disabilities, most of the time it goes unrecognized and goes untreated.
Recognizing depression:
The symptoms of major depression are changes in the person's emotions or behavior.
Symptoms may include:
Loss of interest in favorite activities
Weight changes Feeling sad, anxious or agitated
Sleeping difficulties too much or little and still feeling tired
Lack of energy and low motivation
Feelings of hopelessness
Loss of confidence
Avoiding people
Moving or talking slowly
Being more irritable
Difficulties with concentration and memory
However, people with intellectual disability can sometimes
have some different symptoms.
They might include:
Changes in usual behavior They might include:
Needing more reassurance
Loss of mastered skills
Incontinence and/or constipation
Anger, destructiveness or self-harm
Complaining of aches and pains
Sad, tearfulness and withdrawal
What Causes Major Depression?
A sudden loss, a death of a relative, friend or pet, job loss, or changes in
living or work environment
Parents or family member with major depression
An imbalance of chemicals in the brain
Physical health problems such as thyroid dysfunction
Various medications
Physical, emotional or sexual abuses past or present
Getting Help
The first step is awareness and the time to get professional help is when a person’s behavior changes (for several weeks). Speak to the person's doctor, a mental health professional, a psychiatrist, psychologist or counselor.
Be with them or have someone who knows them to their initial appointments, because they will be able to provide support and any changes they have noticed.
With early diagnosis and treatment, symptoms of depression can be reduced or eliminated, and the long-term outlook is good.
Some treatment options involve a combination of support, psychological approaches and medication. Support includes information on depression and treatment options, as well as environmental factors that may contribute to depression such as loneliness, lack of meaningful activities, greater home/work stress
For each approach there are standard practices. Whatever you do you need to be responsive to
your pwid and the ways you can help them achieve the independent life they desire.
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